1. Bell-shaped flower (Zygopetalum orchid) :hongkong flower shop
Zygopetalum orchids are in the orchid family and there are more than a dozen different species. Unlike many orchids, Zygopetalum orchids also have a strong fragrance. You can place this hardy plant in a hanging basket under a tree for optimal light conditions. It thrives in semi-shaded, humid conditions and needs to be protected from both hot and cold summer temperatures.
Hardness range: 9 to 10
Colors: green, brown, burgundy, purple and white
Light: Half day
Soil requirements: Moist, well-drained
Mature size: 4 inches to 2 feet tall; 6 inches to 2 feet wide 2. English Rose : 3. Dinner Plate Dahlia :
English roses, like the 'Abraham Darby' variety shown here, are highly prized for their large, full blooms and old-fashioned fragrance. Many of the beloved English roses come from the David Austin breeding program, which was the subject of eight years of trials to identify the finest garden varieties. You can grow these plants in zones 5 to 9 in full sun in fertile loam and fertilize once in spring and summer.
Hardness range: 5 to 9
Colors: apricot, orange, pink, purple, red, white, cream, yellow
Light: Partial or full sun
Soil requirements: Well-drained
Mature Size: 1 to 20 feet tall; 2 to 5 feet wide (depending on variety)

hongkong flower shop